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We at the Jobcenter Dortmund are there for you digitally!
As you probably know, an unencrypted e-mail cannot guarantee sufficient security for your data. Digital contact with the Jobcenter Dortmund will therefore only be possible via from the beginning of 2025.
Here you will find a short explanatory film about the online services with which we offer you a secure communication channel. If you have any questions about our online services, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find further contact options on our contact page.
Emergency adresses
Here we have compiled some contact points in Dortmund, which you can use in an emergency situation:
The social workers at the job center help with acute problems, especially debt, difficulties in the family environment, addictions or psychosocial problems.
If you would like advice from the Social Work team, you can contact our telephone service center at 0231 842-1110. The members of the Social Work team will then contact you for further advice.