About the Jobcenter Web App
With our web presence, the Jobcenter Dortmund pursues a vision: to be accessible and understandable for all people. Here we provide an overview of the criteria we use to achieve this goal.
The Jobcenter Dortmund stands for accessibility
Accessibility means that all areas of life are accessible to everyone without outside help, thus enabling everyone to have the same opportunities for use. This includes both analog and digital areas of life and offers.
The Jobcenter Dortmund stands for comprehensive accessibility. For this reason, ensuring digital accessibility is also the focus of the development of our web app.
Accessibility in the digital space includes four criteria in particular, which our web app fulfills in its entirety:
The perceptibility of the digital content is ensured by a barrier-free presentation of all information and components of our app. For this purpose, we use, for example, strong contrasts, animations and images. In this way, we ensure that information and components of the user interface are, among other things, also perceptible for people with visual impairments (e.g. red-green impairment).
The usability of our web app is enabled by a completely barrier-free usability of all functions. For this purpose, we use a consistent as well as clear structure and mark so-called landmarks. In this way, the digital content is optimized for technical read-aloud applications (so-called screen readers). The way we gender our texts (gender colon), is also largely barrier-free.
The understandability of all information and functions for the operation of our web app is implemented through a readable and easily understandable content. To this end, we avoid foreign words as well as metaphors, for example. In addition, users have the option of receiving an overview of our services in simple language.
The robustness of our web app is fulfilled by reliable compatibility of the digital content with technical aids even if technologies change. To this end, we are guided by a predictable and standards-compliant design of our web app.
To enable as many people as possible to use our web app, we provide the content multilingually, in nine languages,. A software has translated the texts automatically and does not provide any guarantee. We make every effort to manually check and optimize the content. Therefore, it may be that certain parts are in the process of translation. We strive to further optimize this service. You can report translation and usage errors to us under "Miscellaneous" via our contact formor under this link.
Learning video Jobcenter Web-App
In this short video, we provide an overview of the most important functions on jobcenterdortmund.de. In the download section you will also find a handoutas a PDF.
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