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Facts & Figures

Here you can see all the facts & figures about the Jobcenter Dortmund*. The Jobcenter Dortmund pays out the unemployment benefit II. If other means or social benefits (such as unemployment benefit) are not sufficient, the Jobcenter thus takes over the basic financial security of job-seeking Dortmund residents in order to cover their living expenses.
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open job offers

Incidentally, the most job openings in Dortmund are currently in the construction industry, health care and social services, and retail.

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Jobs started

This means that more Job Center customers started a new job this month than German athletes at the 2022 Olympics. That's a win!

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Continuous professional development

So many customers are currently actively improving their chances on the job market!The Jobcenter Dortmund will help you find the right continuing education program for you.

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persons cared for

This means that the Jobcenter Dortmund serves as many people as there are spectators who can fit into the Signal Iduna Park.

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Phone calls made

This is the average number of conversations we have with our customers every month. You can find out how to reach us under the heading "Contact".

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Letters sent

By the way, you don't have to write us a letter. You can communicate with us much more conveniently, quickly and just as securely via the portal!

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Our employees speak a total of 23 different languages!

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benefits paid

This is how much the Jobcenter Dortmund pays per month for living expenses and rent alone. On top of that, there are subsidies, such as further education, etc.

* The figures are monthly reference values. They are taken from the statistics of the Federal Employment Agency and internal evaluations and are updated regularly. For more detailed job centre statistics, visit

Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Kampstraße 49 44137 Dortmund
0231 84 21 341 / 84 21