Quickly into a new job with the job offensive

You have lost your job and are urgently looking for a new position? Are you motivated to get back into working life as quickly as possible? You are currently completing further training and would like to get started in your new job? Then the Job Offensive is the right place for you!

The placement specialists in the Job Offensive will support you on your way back into working life - regardless of whether you are looking for a job as a skilled worker or as a helper.

Together with you, the Joboffensive develops a strategy that suits you best, enabling you to find a new job quickly and efficiently. In doing so, we take into account your current knowledge, skills and experience. After that, the Joboffensive supports you in implementing your plan. To do this, we access a wide range of support options - depending on your personal needs. For example, we can coach you in job applications and interviews or offer you courses in which you can further develop your strengths. 

For potential employers we have the possibility to create an additional incentive to hire you through financial support.

If you would like to be supported by the Joboffensive, please contact your current employment agency or call the location where you are currently being supported. The Joboffensive has counselling offices at the Kaiserhain, Kampstraße and Königshof locations.

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