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Standard benefit & Application

The so-called "standard rate" comprises the amount that is transferred to you by the Jobcenter to cover your basic needs.

This flat-rate amount includes costs for food, personal hygiene, clothing, household items, household energy (electricity) and the needs of daily life (e.g. for participation in cultural and social life). The full standard rate is paid to single people, single parents and people whose partner is a minor.

From 1. January 2024, the monthly standard benefits will apply:

Single persons or single parents€563
Couples (per partner) in the BG*, if both are of legal age€506
18- to 24-year-olds in their parents' joint household*€451
14- to 17-Children aged 14 to 17 in the parents' joint household*€471
Children aged six to 13€390
Children aged five and under€357 €
Aged adults in institutions (according to SGB XII)€451

*Community of need

Persons, who already receive benefits from the Dortmund Jobcenter and have an approval notice for 2024 will automatically receive the higher standard rates. You do not need to submit a separate application for citizens' allowance.

Even if you have already submitted an application and have not yet received a notification, the adjustment will take place automatically (the notifications will be sent out in the first week of January 2024).

How are the standard requirements determined? You can find more information on this at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS).

For a new application for benefits, please have the following documents ready:
  • Valid identity card or valid passport
  • Proof of the amount of accommodation costs (rent and ancillary costs, e.g. in the form of the rental agreement, landlord's certificate or similar).
  • Your bank statements for the last three months (complete and sorted) - of all accounts and all persons (including online accounts, e.g. PayPal and credit cards, internet exchanges such as eBay, MyHammer/ Autoscout24 etc.)
  • If you do not have a bank account: proof that no account can be set up
  • If available: Proof of credit balances in savings accounts
  • Proof of your health insurance (e.g. in the form of health insurance card, membership certificate from health insurance company or similar)
  • Social security number
  • If you have children: Proof of child benefit
  • Proof of heating costs
  • If available: Disabled person's ID
  • Certain persons must also submit the following documents:

    • For foreign applicants: Current registration confirmation and current residence permit
    • For children over 14 years of age: School certificates
    • In the case of divorces and non-marital children: Maintenance arrangements, proof of advance maintenance payments
    • If you have a car: Car registration certificate and car insurance document

    If you would like to apply for Citizen's Allowance, please contact us by phone first. We will advise you on how to submit an application - tailored to your individual situation. You can also apply for citizen's allowance online at at Apply for citizen's allowance online.

    Alternatively, you have the option of submitting a simplified application for citizen's allowance on the website of the Federal Employment Agency. However, we recommend that you first contact us by telephone.

  • Tip: Filling instructions in easy-to-understand German can be found in the download area.
  • Tip: With the "digital assistant" on the website of the Federal Employment Agency (starts automatically at the bottom right), you can easily and quickly check online whether you are entitled to citizen's allowance.
  • Tip: You can apply for citizen's allowance online. You can find the online application and all the relevant information on at Apply for citizen's allowance online. You can also submit the application for continued approval (WBA) of benefits to secure your livelihood in accordance with the Second Book of the German Social Code (SGB II) online or you can find it in the download area.
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